Saturday, January 29, 2005

Nothing I can added to this.

In an interview with the Australian media, outgoing assistant Secretary of State Richard Armitage said this:

"The biggest regret is that we didn't stop 9/11. And then in the wake of 9/11, instead of redoubling what is our traditional export of hope and optimism we exported our fear and our anger. And presented a very intense and angry face to the world. I regret that a lot."

Race carding, Republican style !!

I heard Orrin Hatch say during the conformation process, in ­exasperation, because of democratic opposition to Alberto Gonzales, "I hop­e the Hispanic people are listening." I'm sure he does. Throughout the righ­t-wing media, (government subsidized and otherwise ) cries of racism emanat­e. Seems the meritocracy party has a problem when you mess with 'their' p­eople of color. Forget all that foolishness about housing and employment dis­crimination, police brutality and racial profiling Puh-leez !!! The hot ­button issues on the Republican racial agenda are those dastardly Dems tryin ­to roll back the clock on Miss Condi, and Mr. Alberto. Seems the party of Str­om and Jesse(Helms) don't cotton to folks demanding accountabity fr­om the minority help. The implicit GOP sentiment is that "If they're good en­ough for us, how dare you question their credentials", "We only deal with the­ qualified ones"!!!

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Ah Yes, The master marketers strike again

The Boy-King reinvents himself. (OK, maybe the Rovemeister did) The decisive conqueror (?) of Mess-o-potamia needs a new face. Time to be reflective, time to admit mistakes. Yes "Bring it on" might have been a poor choice of words. And who's he telling this to ? Well none other than Barbara Walters and Tina Brown. Tina Brown?!! Blue state media doyenne Tina Brown ??? I guess the Red State warriors have decided to shed the culture war camo and strike a more moderate pose . I mean there's a second inauguration to make pretty for and Social Security to reform(?) Time to leave Zell and the Swift Boat vets behind. The next stage is going to require the velvet glove.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

The Armstrong Williams Affair

Something having been forgotten in the Armstrong Williams fiasco; while everyone is getting their pound of flesh from the GOP's favorite mascot negro pundit for hire, the White House co-perpetrators seem to be getting off easy. Have we grown so inured of this administration's lapses from responsible behavior, that no one cares anymore ?

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Oh No, Not Again !!!!

We've seen this before. The framework for pushing Social Security reform is going to be the same as for pushing the War in Iraq, create a climate by deception and fear and pushing through an agenda promising to save us all. Will mostly-Red America go for it? Given the success of the messianic boy-king, Proba-bly.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

No, I hadn't forgotten

It'll be nine weeks since the election. Certainly the world hasn't ended. Bush 43 pt. Deux looks like neo-cons in paradise. According to Sydney Brumenthal in Salon this week, the 'Sons of Leo' have consolidated their authority and the world awaits completion of their grand vision. Oh wait, maybe the tsunami was God's answer back.