Monday, October 25, 2010

Juan Williams Is Right: Political Correctness About Terrorists Must End!

Juan Williams and the right may see themselves as victims, "but after further review"...(sorry a whole weekend of watching football does that) the entire premise of his statement falls through...People wearing Muslim garb or identifying themselves as Muslims make you nervous on planes ? You mean the most conspicuous ones who draw the most attention are the ones you're afraid of ? Yeah those would be the ideal candidates for a terror plot, the ones everyone in the airport has spotted since their minivan unloaded in the long term parking.(Keep in mind we're not talking the Baghdad Green Zone, or a square in Islamabad, we're thinking more along the line of the shuttle from Ronald Reagan to Newark ) Yeah we remember how the 9/11 terrorists or the Fort Hood gun man were sooo conspicuous "not" wearing casual western clothes or US military uniforms. Great reasoning there Juan old boy. Maybe in your nebulous effort to impart some reasoning to the "False News" crowd, you shoulda thought through your narrative a little better. But hey, at least you got NewsCorps to scratch a bigger check.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Condoleezza Rice Charms Jon Stewart, Discusses 'Extraordinary, Ordinary People' (VIDEO)

I think of Condi in two lights first as a team player on the criminal enterprise known as the CHENEY/bush regime, but I also remember the unmistakably radiant joy she projected after the election of Obama and I think she remains quite poised, dignified, and YES, charming.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, October 08, 2010

Danny Lampley Arrested: Lawyer Charged With Contempt For Staying Silent During Pledge Of Allegiance

***Snark alert***

What the hell is the matter with you Godless (And I mean the 'merican God, not the dune-c##n god) communistic "pre-verts" Don't yall know that the Pledge was a founding document in this great country. Ratified by Washington, Jeffferson, Coach Vince Lombardi and Jesus Christ hisself. So by God. not only had you better rise, recite and put your right hand o'er your commy loving better say a special prayer of thanks for Nascar ta boot.....Get 'er done......
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Christopher Hitchens: Reinstate Rick Sanchez!

Hitchens' desire to be the perpetual contrarian, has him defending the not-so-veiled bigotry of a thin skinned sub par news-mannequin. Does anyone think Sanchez was actually going for a nuanced point about the presence of Jews within certain influential circles or just displaying typical meat-head vindictiveness towards Jon Stewart in the worst way imaginable ?.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, October 01, 2010

Andrew Sullivan: Bill O'Reilly Is A Dishonest Propagandist

Here's the deal Andy. Fox News understands what they put out is primarily bull$#it GOP propaganda, and the people who tune in accept it uncritically because IT'S WHAT THEY WANT TO HEAR !!!! You can't fight WILLFUL ignorance.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost