Saturday, March 19, 2005

On Terri Schiavo

I was very torn when the news came about the Schiavo case Friday. It's very difficult to fathom the burden of choosing to take away the feeding tube of a person who appears conscious and responding to some type of stimulus. But the nature of involuntary motor fucntions, must have been taken into account. In a state like Florida, I'm sure the medical staff has come under a lot of pressure to find excuses not to let this happen, but after a decade and a half struggle, here we are. Mr Schiavo has the legal right to do this.(Yes even over the objections of her parents and siblings, or don't the conservative still believe in the primacy of the marital bond ) And this type of situation has been ajudicated and settled, remember Karen Ann Quinlan. That's why I believe the husband when his says , that he had talked about this type of situation with his wife. I'm a year older than Mrs. Schiavo, and I remember the Quinlan case while in Jr. High and it made an impression on me and I'm sure on a lot of kids of that time, so it's quite conceivable that this would be a topic of discussion for a young couple of that age. Now if you asked me what I would have done in a similar situation, if I were predisposed to let my wife go and her parents wanted to let her remain on some form of life support. I would probably have left the decision to her parents. But that would have been my decision, Michael Schiavo has a right to his.
And a totally cynical after thought. How discusting is it that on this polarizing wretching issue the Republican decide that the moral calvary would be led by the most ethically challenged Republican in Congress? Does this sit well that the Exterminator,(Irony abounds) would use THIS to rehabilitate his image ? Yuck !

Monday, March 14, 2005

You said it Condi !!!!

During SecState Condi Rice's appearance on Meet the Press yesterday, she made an interesting statement.
DR. RICE: Our view of Hezbollah has not changed, that it is, indeed, a terrorist organization. We're concentrating, Tim, on trying to remove the artificial element in Lebanese politics at this point and that is Syrian troops and the Syrian security forces, intelligence services. Once that is done, the Lebanese will be able to have a political process that is free of that kind of foreign interference, a political process that will begin to develop and we will be able to see or they will be able to see what the real balance of forces looks like in Lebanon. But as long as you have an overwhelming security and troop presence there for the Syrians, it is not possible for them to do that work.
So...the presence of a foreign occupying military force is considered an interference to the legitimate political proccess in certain Middle Eastern countries.
Oh well.