Thursday, July 31, 2008

Presumptuous is the new elitist

And of course elitist was the new uppity, and so it goes. The Huffington Post reports on Dana Milbanks attempt to document Obama's so called presumptuousness, with a wide range of out of context quotes. Just another example of the mainstream media making the GOP attack machine's job easier

Friday, July 18, 2008

Embarrassingly returning........

So I've been gone, 9 months or so, not much going on. Economy's gone into the crapper, gas at $4.00 + a gallon, and yeah, a black guy is the almost presidential nominee of the Democratic party. I've had stuff to do, two daughters going to college, my house is falling apart, and Shotokan karate, (my son) twice a week. Okay the real reason, damn Websense at work, but now I'm newly dedicated.....this time, I promise.