Saturday, February 19, 2005


Did the Fed throw Bush a lifeline for SS privitization this week ? Remember how he hooked him up on tax cuts four years ago by warning of the perils of budget surpluses . SURPLUSES, REMEMBER THEM !!!!!........Negroponte as new intel czar, couldn't find a death squad if they were in his living room. Ah yes more W style accountability at work..........Kos had found evidence to link "Jeff Gannon" to possible RNC involvement in "Rather-memo-gate" or whatever the hell it was called. Expect nothing on this from the MSM either.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Where's that leftist media when you need it ?

Hardly a sunset had passed before the uber-Media had ponced on the Rather-gate Guard memo story. But relatively little attention is being paid to the Jeff Gannon/Jim Guckert Fake Reporter-with-links-to-Gay-Porn-and-access-to-classified-memo-that-outted-Valerie-Plame. Guess those impartial douche-bags at the cable news outlets are afraid of the mouth breather's backlash.

Roofies in the Jello pudding ?

I'm not a celebrity role model hawker, but this is sad. My kids love the Cosby show reruns on Nick at Night and soon word of the Bill Cosby allegations will filter into their world. Never a good time for these type of allegations to surface, but for Cosby, the timing couldn't be worst, given his recent "crusade"of criticizing bad personal choices made by poor blacks. Odd thing though, the predictable conspiracy theories are going both ways. Some African-Americans are pointing the usual finger at so-called racist white society. But interestingly some right wingers are pointing toward a conspiracy from the left to silence Cosby, because of his criticism of the black community.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Working the masses !

Why not have the president have an honest debate instead of working every major proposal like some marketing hustle? Iraq wasn't an imminent threat, but they made it one. Social Security isn't in as bad a shape as they make out to be, but fear always has to be part of the equation. And why does every important proposal turn out to be a boon to the private sector. Iraq War (Haliburton, Defense Contractors , Oil Companies), Prescription Drug (Pharmaceutical, HMOs) Social Security Privatization (Brokerage Houses, Banking Industry).