Light, finally
As I've gotten older (44 now) I grown less willing to indure processes that require prolong emotional stress. This includes watching melodramatic TV movies with predictable endings, sporting events where I have a rooting interest. (Sorry Tiger Woods, and Dallas Cowboys) and especially election night political coverage. My reasoning is that if I invest less of my conscious thought, the disappointment will be less, when the ending doesn't go my way. So going into last nights coverage, I adroitly avoided the cable newsies and did hop-scotch through the other channels until curiosity got the better of me .(Hey, I got through half an hour on National Geographic and 40 minutes uf "The Wire" Episode 45) When I made my way to MSNBC
Keith and Tweety were talking up a paradigm shift, now that's what I'm talkin' about. I was' in the house'.........Hours later, a new House and leaning towards a new Senate, I forced myself to sleep.
(happy sigh)
Keith and Tweety were talking up a paradigm shift, now that's what I'm talkin' about. I was' in the house'.........Hours later, a new House and leaning towards a new Senate, I forced myself to sleep.
(happy sigh)