Saturday, December 30, 2006

On Saddam.............

So is this what it's supposed to feel like when the ultimate evil meets it's final fate ? I get the feeling many of the cheerleaders were a bit disappointed that Saddam didn't collapse into sobs and wails. Of course the right will find a few leftist voices of dissent to prove how 'soft' and misguided the other side is. Saddam deserved his fate, but the path that lead to it doesn't feel like justice.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Holiday Thoughts

Interesting seeing in the months following the elections how the right has adjusted course. They've deftly gone back to the role of the aggrieved outsiders, blaming the Dems for anything and everything, even though they (the democrats) have yet to exercise any power.

I was saddened by the death of James Brown, While I was not a fan of JB in my youth, it was later that I developed an appreciation of his innovations and contributions to music and African American popular culture.