Friday, July 31, 2009

Evening Open Thread - Jack & Jill Politics

Evening Open Thread - Jack & Jill Politics: "When Obama said the Cambridge police acted stupidly it had nothing to do with race or hating cops, it has everything to do with his personal knowledge of Dr. Gates as a man who wouldn't do anything so provocative as to warrant a 'legitimate' arrest, especially in his own home."

Thursday, July 30, 2009

On :Justin Barrett, Boston Police Officer, Suspended For Calling Gates A "Jungle Monkey" In E-mail

Justin Barrett, Boston Police Officer, Suspended For Calling Gates A "Jungle Monkey" In E-mail: "His epitaph is not an opinion, it's an utterance, a low grunt, a sign of insecurity, an acknowledgment that maybe Officer Barrett has counted on his skin color to mean more than it actually has/should."

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

MoDo on (Ex) Gov "Mooseburger"

"The Alaskan who shot to stardom a year ago as the tough embodiment of Diana the Huntress has now stepped down as governor and morphed into what the Republicans always caricatured Hillary as — preachy, screechy and angry."

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Below 50 percent (?)

Why did I listen to those sh%tbirds, really ?...Seems the Rasmussen tracking has Obama at 49% approval and Van Susteren and the Toe sucker were making a great deal of hay. Soooo I checked the RCP average and Obama still enjoys a double digit approval cushion......I guess, you've got to feed the idiot axis something....if not the truth.

Calling out the "Birther" rabble

"It's racist,' said Phil Griffin, the president of MSNBC. 'It's racist. Just call it for what it is.'"

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The "Birthers"of a Nation the series (unfortunately)

Twitter / Home: "Noting the Lou Dobbs vs. Reality saga,obviously some push back against reality. Klein knuckles under to the racist/loon axis."


Who'd a thunk a black guy my age would have the some thoughts about the Skip Gates arrest, ? Having the guy in the White House express what's on your mind is a somewhat surreal experience,,,,,no wonder middle age white guys keep voting for middle age white guys...Listening to the Cambridge police describe HLG as being belligerent, and loud made me wonder if they had the 'i.d."-ed the wrong brother.......Derrick Bell. Cornell West, or MED maybe, but not Skip !!!!