Why is the greatest environmental disaster shepherded by the total lax regulatory atmosphere created by the previous administration able to be spun by the right into "Obama's Katrina"?
Tiger Woods Misses Daughter Sam's Birthday For Golf: Report
It was the friggin' US OPEN you babies....My dad would work shifts on Christmas, because he felt that responsibility as the provider.....Geez and now that the "au pair" is setting up for a nine figure settlement (exactly how many majors, did she win ?) Daddy's really gotta go back to work Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Haley Barbour: Drilling Moratorium Worse Than The Spill
As a Mississippian, I have to say Haley's always been just a lapdog for the RNC even as governor. When Obama was down on the coast last week, Haley couldn't risk having his photo taken with "Barry Hussein Soetoro", so he took the convenient out of being occupied with "bid-ness" meetings which included a "picnic" in Central Park...(Yeah, just what Haley needs..more fried chicken) Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Tiger Woods' Powerade Bottle A Possible Shot At Gatorade
He SNUBS (?) gatorade.....Wow I guess I snubbed diet Coke when I drunk that diet Pepsi this weekend..... I just thought I was thirsty. Seriously, this petty celeb bashing "gotta say somethin' bout 'em" journalism" that Huff Post seems preoccupied with, is stinkin' up the joint and ruining this site. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost