A timeline of Fox News NOT covering the Sherrod story
From Media Matters
Fox's initial reaction: "Racist" Sherrod "must resign"
O'Reilly: "Sherrod must resign," her remarks are "unaccepta
ble." On the July 19 edition of his show, Bill O'Reilly played the edited portion of the tape and said "that is simply unacceptable. And Ms. Sherrod must resign immediatel
y." He also falsely claimed that "the full transcript of Ms. Sherrod's remarks is posted on
Hannity called Sherrod's remarks "[j]ust the latest in a series of racial incitents," called for the NAACP to be "held to account" to repudiate Sherrod. On the July 19 edition of his Fox News show, Sean Hannity asserted that Sherrod's comments were "[j]ust the latest in a series of racial incidents," and stated that "So it's interesting that it took the new media to expose this." He also asked Newt Gingrigh if, "in light of the NAACP accusing the Tea Party of being a racist movement last week," he thought "the NAACP should be held to account for the very standard they were demanding from the Tea Party."
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