Friday, July 23, 2010

Rachel Maddow Responds To Bill O'Reilly Over Shirley Sherrod, Ratings (VIDEO)

By "Bellow Really's" logic we should worship the Super Bowl or the final episode of M^A^S^H because they have the highest ratings......... which gives me an idea...Hey "Bellow" Alan Alda kicked your butt !!!!
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Obama Blames Media For His Administration's Firing Of Shirley Sherrod

Fox News "Non" Coverage continued

Perino: "This video adds fuel to a growing controversy after the NAACP" asked the tea party to denounce racists. On the July 19 edition of On the Record, Dana Perino suggested Sherrod's remarks were racist, saying that "The video adds fuel to a growing controversy after the NAACP approved a resolution condemning the tea party movement for not denouncing racist members."

Doocy: Sherrod "sure sounded racist," is "[e]xhibit A" of "what racism looks like." On the July 19 edition of Fox & Friends, co-host Steve Doocy said that Sherrod made "a speech to the NAACP that sure sounded racist." Later, after guest-host Ailysn Camerota asserted that Sherrod's remarks are "outrageous and perhaps everybody needs a refresher course on what racism looks like," Doocy responded that Sherrod's comments are "Exhibit A."
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Obama Blames Media For His Administration's Firing Of Shirley Sherrod

A timeline of Fox News NOT covering the Sherrod story

From Media Matters

Fox's initial reaction: "Racist" Sherrod "must resign"

O'Reilly: "Sherrod must resign," her remarks are "unacceptable." On the July 19 edition of his show, Bill O'Reilly played the edited portion of the tape and said "that is simply unacceptable. And Ms. Sherrod must resign immediately." He also falsely claimed that "the full transcript of Ms. Sherrod's remarks is posted on"

Hannity called Sherrod's remarks "[j]ust the latest in a series of racial incitents," called for the NAACP to be "held to account" to repudiate Sherrod. On the July 19 edition of his Fox News show, Sean Hannity asserted that Sherrod's comments were "[j]ust the latest in a series of racial incidents," and stated that "So it's interesting that it took the new media to expose this." He also asked Newt Gingrigh if, "in light of the NAACP accusing the Tea Party of being a racist movement last week," he thought "the NAACP should be held to account for the very standard they were demanding from the Tea Party."
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Keith Olbermann Blasts Fox News Over Shirley Sherrod, Begs Obama To Stop Enabling Them (VIDEO)

I'm mad that FNC has such a huge legion of realty denying viewers. I'm also mad that EVEN WITH it's generally acknowledged bias, the rest of the media still gives credence to their politicized attacks.
About Keith Olbermann
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Keith Olbermann Blasts Fox News Over Shirley Sherrod, Begs Obama To Stop Enabling Them (VIDEO)

Yes the White House was guilty of jumping the gun, out of fear that the FNC-istas would run this faux-story into oblivion, which they STILL would be doing had the unedited version not surfaced and Ms Sherrod hadn't been able to defend herself. Beck "defended" her as a means to slamming the the bigger fish, the Obama administration. KO is right unless the Obama-ites can learn how to marginalize the rightwing noise the next 2 1/2 years are going to continue with more of the same.
About Keith Olbermann
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

The ugliness within

An oxygen stealing d-bag like Andrew Breitbart could only thrive in a world where you have so much irrational seething anger towards Barack Obama. The right likes to make comparisons between the anger on the left directed at George W. Bush and the frenzy from the right directed at Obama. Lets see, Did Obama steal an election? Nope.Did Obama use a terrorist attack to implement a war of choice ? Can't say that I remember that happening. Did Obama use the power of commander in chief to subvert the Geneva convention and habeas corpus. Must have missed it when that happened. So I wonder where all this Obama hate is coming ? hmmmmm

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Christopher Hitchens' Cancer: Author Undergoing Chemotherapy For Esophageal Cancer

Well that's all I need......

In the past few months I've pick the habit back up while dieting and dealing with some life stresses. Today has to be the first day without these horrific sticks, from then on it's gonna be day by day.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost