Wednesday, September 29, 2010

James O'Keefe's CNN Prank FAILS: Activist Planned To Stage Seduction Of Abbie Boudreau On Floating 'Pleasure Palace'

20 months ago the Republican party was on ropes and their schemers and operatives, like O'Keefe and Breitbart were deployed to rally the base by any means necessary. We're less than a month and a half away from the mid terms and all the optimism and exuberance from '08 is a thing of the past. Do we get to blame "Not so Breitbart" or "Pimp Daddy" O'Keefe or do we question the decisions made to save the banks and power brokers first while the middle class sank ? Do we get to question the logic of treating the GOP as honorable brokers, when it's obvious it's always been about "party first"for them,and country much further down the list ? Or do we just admit that the Democrats got power before they actually figured out how to wield it ?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Here's the deal on Kenyan Anti-Colonialism

The Kenyans were colonized by the British, sound familiar, so were D'nesh D'Souza's country men on the Indian peninsula, as well as a certain country in North America that goes from sea to shining sea. (No not Canada, the Brits still kinda have them) Mr. Newt and Mr. Double D, however are trying to frame anti colonialism in a different light, when it comes to Kenya. The Mau Maus can't in any way be seen within the same context as our founding fathers or Ganhdi, trying to fight the repression of an alien occupying force. No they have to be the upstart savages, unappreciative of the civilizing paternalism of the genteel Brits.
And that's only part of the nonsense perpetrated by D'Souza and Gingrich. Why is BHO Sr the major influence on how Obama sees the world. He only met the man once, At the risk of fueling the "Obama is a Muslim" nonsense, Mr. Soetero probably had more of an influence, and God forbid we consider the idea that the man who probably spent MORE TIME than any other man raising and influencing BHO, his white American mid-western born grandfather,,would have a more prominent influence on him.

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Monday, September 20, 2010

Al D'Amato Unloads On Fellow Guest On Fox Business: 'Racist Bullsh*t' (VIDEO)

*****Snark Alert*****

C'mon Al. you've been outta the loop too long, if you can't engage in a little dark-skinned immigrant bashing on a Fox channel, where can you ? Maybe you should contact Breitbart, Levin. or Limbaugh, they'll let you know that low grade racism is de rigueur for the 2010 Republican/Tea Party,
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost